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2024-12-02 17:18:00 来源:院科研办 点击: 收藏本文

【主题】Can affirmative action remedy gender inequality in science? Evidence from early career funding





【摘要】We study the impacts of a large national affirmative action policy designed to reduce gender inequality in science. The policy extended the maximum age of eligibility for an important early career grant in China by five years for women, while leaving it unchanged for men. We find that the policy significantly increases the number of female recipients of this grant, concentrated in the newly-eligible age range. This policy, however, reduces women's likelihood of securing larger scientific grants and achieving academic promotion later in their careers. We find no evidence that this policy affects women's subsequent scientific productivity. These findings highlight the need for more coordinated measures to remedy persistent gender inequality in science.

【主讲人简介】胡枫,现为北京科技大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域为劳动经济学、教育经济学等。已在Nature Human Behavior、Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Comparative Economics 、《管理世界》、《金融研究》等国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,并主持2项国家自然科学基金项目和1项国家社会科学基金项目。