【题目】深度贸易协定与反倾销(The Impact of PTAs on the Duration of Antidumping Protection)
【主讲人简介】朱敏,完美体育官方网站经济与管理青年英才(博士后)。主要研究方向是贸易政策和微观实证经济学。曾担任世界银行顾问和欧盟玛丽居里学者。研究见于World Economy 和 Economia Politica.
【摘要】This paper examines the impact of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on the duration of antidumping protection. It employs a two-step selection model where the first step accounts for the impact of PTA membership on the original antidumping determination and the second step estimates the impact of PTA membership on the duration of duties. Several key findings emerge from the analysis. First and most importantly, the duration of antidumping protection is significantly shorter for PTA members compared with targeted countries that are not PTA members. The estimates imply that PTA membership is associated with a 30~percent reduction in the duration of protection. Second, the impact on duration depends, in part, on whether the PTA has rules specifically related to antidumping. On average, over all users and targeted countries, the impact on duration is about twice as large for PTAs with rules compared with those without rules (and both have shorter duration than non-PTA members).